Gentle spinal manipulation for back pain that stays or returns after back surgery - sometimes called
persistent post-surgical pain or post-surgical continued pain - is demonstrating effectiveness. And Cox® Technic as utilized at our Ashburn and Herndon chiropractic clinic is receiving attention for its pain-alleviating outcomes!
So have you undergone back surgery? Do you still experience back pain…or has it come back? You are not alone, especially in wanting the pain gone. Some will choose more medical options like surgery or pain meds or physical therapy, etc. Others will seek non-medical options like spinal manipulation. A recent meta-analysis of published data on the types of
spinal manipulation used to treat back pain patients with persistent spine pain after lumbar surgery reported that spinal manipulation practitioners elected to use potentially gentler non-thrust techniques –
85% chose flexion-distraction (aka Cox® Technic) – over thrust techniques.
(1) A published study of 69 post-surgical patients handled with Cox® Technic recorded that in 11 visits over a 49 day treatment timeframe 81% of the patients reported more than 50% relief of pain. The mean percent of relief was 71.6% when the active treatment time was done and 70% at 2-year-follow-up. The relief lasted!
(2) The frustration of back pain is understandable. The frustration of back pain after back surgery that was anticipated to eliminate it is even more frustrating. Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn extends Cox® Technic to decrease the pain…
and the frustration! Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Gary Stefanick on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he describes the help his patient experienced with The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management.
TIP OF THE MONTH: Another Reason to Be Up on Your Vitamin D! LBP And Disc Degeneration
Higher vitamin D levels were documented to be associated with better physical performance in low back pain (LBP) sufferers with lumbar disc degeneration (LDD). Researchers calculated vitamin D levels and muscle strength in 200 patients. It required more time for those who had low levels of vitamin D to perform these tests: gait speed, chair stand, and timed-up-and-go (TUG) tests. (3) Postmenopausal women with vitamin D deficiency (especially those with less than 10 ng/mL which marked severe LDD and LBP) are documented to have LBP and LDD. Add in smoking, high body mass index, osteoporosis, and no D supplementation, and the moderate to severe pain was more. (4) Another report stated that frailty status and physical performance measures (gait speed and TUG) were significantly linked to vitamin D concentration. (5) Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn asks: What’s your vitamin D level? Time to check it!
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