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Ashburn and Herndon Chiropractic Newsletter from Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn for March 2015

Chiropractic Adjusting and Traction - Beneficial Combo!

The traction component of the chiropractic care you receive with Cox Technic improves the pain and disability as well as relieves painful orthopedic test findings in patients with intervertebral disc herniation. This specialized spinal manipulation is coupled with exercises to gain the fastest maximum relief of your spine pain and muscle dysfunction. (1) Combination care works wonders!

Multivitamin Supplement - Women, Take Yours Today!

A new study that followed women for over 20 years reports that women who took multivitamin-mineral supplement for 3 years or more were significantly less likely to die from cardiovascular disease. (2) There’s a statistic to pay attention to! A simple addition to women’s daily routine can be so beneficial! Other beneficial behaviors like eating well, exercising and not smoking should certainly not be abandoned. 
How Are You Walking?

Concerning your gait (how you walk and the smooth, coordinated steps you take), chronic non-specific low back pain changes how your lower limbs and trunk move, especially in level and uneven walking and running. See your chiropractor for diagnosis and chiropractic care for your gait problems. (3) Remember that gait problems can cause falls that may lead to long term issues. Let’s prevent them together!

Exercises - There’s a Reason We Recommend Them!

Positive benefits from exercises recommended by your chiropractor are proven. Four spine stability exercises showed increased thickness of the abdominal muscles and the deep spinal muscle called the multifidus muscles when bridge exercises were performed three times a week for five weeks. (4) Your chiropractor will select the best exercise program for you to strengthen these muscles that support your low back and prevent low back pain. Trust that! 
Weak Hips - They Play a Role in Back Pain
A specific muscle involved with low back pain and muscle dysfunction is hip range of motion. Weak hips appear even in active subjects who have chronic low back pain(5) The specific muscle involved with this weakness will be explained and its correction taught to you. You’ll notice the difference!
Contact Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn to set your next Ashburn and Herndon chiropractic visit!