August 2022 Healthy News from Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn Effective Treatment of Disc Herniation and Balance Improvement

Back pain sufferers with disc herniations state benefit from non-surgical treatment. One study of Medicare patients with chronic low back pain related higher quality of life scores and more satisfaction with their spinal manipulative therapy care than those treated with prescription drug therapy. (1) Low back pain sufferers in a randomized control trial who were treated with chiropractic (Cox® Technic) flexion distraction management for their low back pain had significantly greater pain relief than those who went through physical therapy’s active trunk exercise protocol. The patients who also experienced radiculopathy - spine-related extremity sciatica - were significantly better when they underwent treatment with flexion distraction decompression manipulation. (2) Humans - and dachshunds - can be so lucky with the right treatment plan! A cute side-story that came up while doing research for this article: 34 of 40 long-spined dachshunds with T3-L3 myelopathy presumedly linked to disc herniation did quite well with non-surgical treatment, especially those who started care with motor function undamaged. They had minimal recurrence rates at 1 year (5%) and 2 years (11%), too. (3) Conservative care for spine pain, disc herniation, back pain, and leg pain is beneficial for many!

Keep Your Balance: Stenosis, Fall Risk, Manipulation
In older people, a greater risk of fracture over the following year was related to a recent fall within the past 4 months. (4) Risk of a recurrent fall for men and women or an injury from a fall in women was higher in those with severe low back pain or extremity leg pain. (5) Suggested physical, psychological, and environmental goals in handling fall-risk in the elderly involved improved muscle function, lowered fear of falling, and increased balance. (6) With balance improvement in mind, a recent study tested a treatment protocol incorporating (Cox® Technic) flexion distraction spinal manipulation for older patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. Balance test outcomes improved. Subjective score outcomes were statistically and clinically meaningful. (7) Ashburn and Herndon balance is so crucial. Together, Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn and you can work to improve yours and/or that of a loved one.
Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Nate McKee on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he presents his care using the Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management for a patient with spinal stenosis, back pain, and balance issues.
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